We aren't good at Monday. Usually, we kind of skip it, at least when it comes to school stuff. It's one of those intangibles I so cherish. Every single Monday, when I'm trying to shake off the urge to remain in a weekend state of mind, I thank the universe that I don't have to get up early, get everybody fed and dressed and then drive them somewhere, and both kids take a good day to settle back into the idea of not having Daddy around all the time and so on. We take our weekends seriously, and pay for it come Monday. Because of homeschooling, it works.
But lately, I've been feeling a little weary of pretty much wasting every single Monday that rolls around. Our pursuits are leisurely, and that's OK. I think it's fine to spend a day reading and puttering around, doing housework in a lazy kind of way, with lazy kind of music on and so forth. I'm a champion for idleness (this is where I mention how much I love this
book). Really. It's not just a funny, self-deprecating thing I'm saying with the hope that you'll overlook my slovenly lifestyle. Lately, though, we've slid from idleness to near-nothingness. Too much computer. Too much TV. Not enough brain exercising, as Anderson says.
Today This past Monday (this is where you take note of my extreme procrastination tendency), I decided to take advantage of the MLK holiday, which I'd planned to touch on
tomorrow (the next day), because well, why not? Kurt was working at home since his office was closed, so it wasn't a "real" Monday already, and we actually all managed to get out of bed early. Basically I pretended it wasn't Monday and we had a great day. Who knew it was this easy. :P
We wound up doing just a little history about MLK's life, put in simple Kindergarten terms. It's a little painful in a way, how few words it takes to explain why he lived his life the way he did, and the price he paid for it. Then, we did a great activity -
Multicultural Paper Dolls. Score one for the internet, because I was at a loss about how to incorporate this concept into a Kindergarten lesson. More specifically, score one for
No Time for Flashcards, an awesome blog devoted to truly accessible and fun crafts and learning activities for kids.
So after just a little prep work, we set out to work. The multicultural paper dolls are just what it sounds like, and it was the perfect platform for discussing the uniqueness and similarities of all people. The full set of instructions are on the blog, but in a nutshell:
1. I prepared a set of 4 paper dolls for each kid, 8 slips of paper for each of these categories: skin color, hair color, eye color, with characteristics like "dark skin, medium skin, light skin," and so on.
2. They attached hearts and smile stickers to each paper doll. These were meant to signify that all people strive for the same basic thing: love, and happiness. Anderson put it in his own way: "We all have love in our heart, and we want to be happy and smile a lot in our heart." Yep!
3. Next, Anderson drew 4 slips from each category to guide him through coloring the dolls. In the end he had dolls with various skin, hair, and eye colors, and "inside" (on the back) of each doll, they all had love & happiness. David sort of colored and didn't entirely get it at age 3, but he did note that they were all loving and happy, and that's the important part, so I'll call it a win.
Here they are hard at work, and with the finished projects. Thanks again,
No Time for Flashcards!
This is an excellent book for exploring diversity - even I find interesting things in here! |
This was the extent of prep work involved - easy peasy. |
We also read a little biography about King, some quotes, and we watched a little of the "I Have a Dream" speech. |
David applying his stickers. |
Anderson's stickers - all people desire love and happiness. |
David's "happy guys." |
Anderson's finished dolls - he especially loved that we included blue hair! |
Anderson wanted me to show you how he put the happiness stickers in the heart spot, as they are "importantly linked." |
I love it! What a cool idea, Sarah.
Thanks, Jen. I can't take credit for the idea, but it is a good one. Definitely check out the No Time for Flashcards blog if you ever need a rainy day activity. So much good stuff there.
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